Abstract submission

Welcome to the online abstract submission system for Nordic Physics Days 2021.

The Abstract submission is now closed.

Abstract rules

  • Title: The abstract title is limited to 150 characters. Do not use capital letters unless abbreviations or similar.
  • Authors and affiliations: Please enter authors’ name and affiliations in the dedicated fields. Do not use capital letters unless abbreviations or similar.
  • Text: Word count is limited to 350 words. The title, authors’ name and affiliation are not included in this number. 
  • Image: The abstract allows for no images.
  • Presentation type: Please indicate the preferred presentation type. The Scientific Committee will have the final decision on the type of presentation for each accepted abstract.


Topics for the Nordic Physics days 2021

  1. Atomic molecular and optical physics
  2. Elementary particle physics and astroparticle physics
  3. Astronomy, astro-/space-physics and plasma physics
  4. Gravitation
  5. Physics and society
  6. Condensed matter physics and nano physics
  7. Nuclear physics
  8. Women in physics
  9. Physics Education



If you have any questions regarding your abstract, please send an email to nordphysdays2021@akademikonferens.se


Alfred Nobel

Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna
Wenner-Gren Foundations

Thorlabs Sweden AB

Romo Scientific

Nobel Committee for Physics​


Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
E-mail: nordphysdays2021@akademikonferens.se

Akademikonferens. Logotype.

Important dates

December 2020: Abstract submission opens
7 May 2021: Registration opens
21 May 2021: Deadline for abstract submission

4-6 August 2021: Nordic Physics Days 2021