Abstract submission
Welcome to the online abstract submission system for Nordic Physics Days 2021.
The Abstract submission is now closed.
Abstract rules
- Title: The abstract title is limited to 150 characters. Do not use capital letters unless abbreviations or similar.
- Authors and affiliations: Please enter authors’ name and affiliations in the dedicated fields. Do not use capital letters unless abbreviations or similar.
- Text: Word count is limited to 350 words. The title, authors’ name and affiliation are not included in this number.
- Image: The abstract allows for no images.
- Presentation type: Please indicate the preferred presentation type. The Scientific Committee will have the final decision on the type of presentation for each accepted abstract.
Topics for the Nordic Physics days 2021
- Atomic molecular and optical physics
- Elementary particle physics and astroparticle physics
- Astronomy, astro-/space-physics and plasma physics
- Gravitation
- Physics and society
- Condensed matter physics and nano physics
- Nuclear physics
- Women in physics
- Physics Education
If you have any questions regarding your abstract, please send an email to nordphysdays2021@akademikonferens.se
Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna
Wenner-Gren Foundations
Thorlabs Sweden AB
Romo Scientific
Nobel Committee for Physics
Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
E-mail: nordphysdays2021@akademikonferens.se
Important dates
December 2020: Abstract submission opens
7 May 2021: Registration opens
21 May 2021: Deadline for abstract submission
4-6 August 2021: Nordic Physics Days 2021