Uppsala castle exterior. Photo.

Live sessions

Nordic Physics Days 2021

In order to attend the conference and see the complete programme, you’ll have to register an account and join the virtual platform. However, two of the keynote lectures are available for the public and will be streamed here.

These sessions have already been streamed!

Please join the virtual platform if you wish to see them again.

Information on how to get access to the digital platform has been sent to all participants.
If you have not received the email, please contact 


4 August 13:35-14:15 
Keynote Lecture: Prof M. Mayor
Other Worlds in the Cosmos? The search for planets similar to our Earth and… perhaps sheltering Life!


5 August 16:00-16:45 

Keynote Lecture: Prof. W. Phillips

A New Measure: the Quantum Reform of the Metric System


Alfred Nobel

Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna
Wenner-Gren Foundations

Thorlabs Sweden AB

Romo Scientific

Nobel Committee for Physics​


Academic Conferences
Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: + 46 (0) 18 67 10 03
E-mail: nordphysdays2021@akademikonferens.se

Akademikonferens. Logotype.

Important dates

December 2020: Abstract submission opens
7 May 2021: Registration opens
21 May 2021: Deadline for abstract submission

4-6 August 2021: Nordic Physics Days 2021